Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Fun with semi precious beads!

It's been a little while since I've blogged!  I've been putting in time working on technique and I've found and purchased some really pretty semi precious stone beads to work with!  I usually work with cabochons- or stones with out holes in them but I thought I'd switch things up and try something different.  I LOVED making this ring!  It's non tarnish copper wire intricately woven around a Cracked Watermelon Agate semi precious stone bead.  I bought a nice string of these beads and each one is unique and lovely.  Perhaps my next blog shall have a photo of beads available for rings!  This ring is currently up for sale.  I will be making more rings with the beads I have on hand.  These rings are all custom made, none of them will be exactly the same but they will be similar.  I love taking custom orders.  I can't wait to try this ring in Sterling and 14K.  Please enjoy some photos.

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